
Symbolism In Halloween

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Hammond’s “Halloween”: The Real Children of Halloween We all remember dressing up for Halloween night as children. Getting together with best friends and competing to see who has the best costume or can collect the most candy. For some, this was the best night of the year. Then there are the children who sit at home and go through the motions of what their parents do. These parents inevitably will carve a generic looking pumpkin and then sit down and hand out candy to kids the remainder of the night. The children that are staying at home with their parents are handing out candy to the kids who are living and enjoying their Halloween. As Mac Hammond in “Halloween” stresses, the children that are out having fun on Halloween are the true …show more content…

Hammond states, “The hole of which / allows the hand to go / In to pull the gooey mess inside, out - / The walls scooped clean with a spoon” (3-5). The fifth line is the line that really hits home when it comes to sound. When he is talking about the walls being scooped clean with a spoon the reader can almost hear this. The spoon, scraping around the inside of the pumpkin until cleaned out. The sound of scraping is always a vivid sound. Scraping a plate, chalkboard, or even a pumpkin can make an unpleasant sound. All these s sounds combined stand out a lot. A sound that can be hard for some to forget. Hammond is able to knock home on the sound in this poem and also knock home when it comes to diction. Mac Hammond is able to use colorful words, such as butcher knife, throughout “Halloween” that brings the reader closer to the poem. Halloween is a nostalgic holiday for most people and there are specific words that will trigger those memories. Hammond exclaims, “The butcher knife goes in, first, at the top / And carves out the round stemmed lid” (1-2). There are numerous words used just in these two lines that can connect us with the poem. No one can talk about Halloween or pumpkins without the word carved involved. Whenever one starts to carve a pumpkin, they have to carve out that circle at the top so the center can be accessed. Hammond does a great job of painting that picture by using the words such as “carves”,

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