
Symbolism In The Great Gatsby

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In The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the story is told from the first person point of view through Nick Carraway, retelling the accounts of the protagonist, Jay Gatsby. Throughout this novel, Jay Gatsby strives to be with his so called "true love", Daisy, but soon finds out that she married another man, which creates conflict between many of the characters. The Great Gatsby has an abundance of symbols throughout the text, including the Valley of Ashes representing the moral and social decay of society in the 1920s, the green light which symbolizes Gatsby 's desire to have Daisy as well as the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleberg representing God piercing down upon and judging the American society of this era. One reoccurring symbol in …show more content…

To explain not only do they live in an atmosphere full of ash, but it is turning regular humans into “ash-grey men” who “swarm” like insects around the factories and cargo trains (that’s the “line of grey cars”). These are the people who do not get to enjoy either the luxury of life out on Long Island or the fast-paced anonymous fun that Nick finds himself enjoying in Manhattan. In the novel’s world of haves and have-nots, these are the have-nots. In conclusion, the Valley of Ashes shows the social decay that results from the wealthy indulging people of West and East Egg taking advantage society and leaving the poor have to live among the ashes. Another major symbol in The Great Gatsby is the green light at the end of Daisy Buchanan 's dock. This light represents Gatsby 's hopes and dreams for his future with Daisy by his side. However, this idea also relates to the way views of the "American Dream" have corrupted, while in reality, actual American life is much different. In the novel, the audience first encounters Gatsby looking at this light after Nick comes back from a dinner at the Buchanan. This scene we see Gatsby “stretch out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way, and, far, as I was from him, I could have sworn he was trembling. Involuntarily I glanced seaward--- and distinguished nothing except a single green light”(20-21). One thing,

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