
Symbols in“the Gilded Six Bits” Zora Neale Hurston Essay

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Coins, quilts and a creek, what could these three things possibly have in common? They are all symbols of love, freedom, family and legacy. In “The Gilded Six Bits” by Zora Neale Hurston the coins represent Joe and Missie Mae’s relationship. In “Women Hollering Creek” by Sandra Cisneros the creek represents a bridge to the past and the future for Cleofilas. In “Use” by Alice Walker the quilts represent family legacy and what happens when families disagree about that legacy.
In “The Six Gilded Bits” we meet Joe and Misse Mae, newlyweds. They are young, in love and exceptionally happy with their life. They have lived a modest life in a small house “but there was something happy about it”. (Hurston 1) We meet Misse Mae first as she is …show more content…

She questions some of the town people but they dismiss. Cloefilas herself may come to the answer in time that perhaps the woman was hollering with both pain and rage. Much like she herself may have felt like doing after the first time Juan hits her, and then over and over gain when he continues to beat her. She sometimes sits out by the creek and remembers her father telling her “I am your father, I will never abandon you.” (Cisneros 1) She remembers this only after she is a mother and this is when she realizes “How when a man and a woman love each other, sometimes that love sours. But a parent’s love for a child, a child’s for its parents, is another thing entirely.” (Cisneros 1) Surely by now she feels her love souring. She can not understand why Juan must drink all time and why he continues to beat after he promises that he will never do it again. Cleofilas knows she can go home, her father as much told her so. She does not go for fear of shaming him. “But how could she go back there? What a disgrace. What would the neighbors say?” (Cisneros 3) She finally does go back with help from a woman she is put in contact with. This woman is like no other women Cleofilas has ever met. While they are driving out of Seguin, going over the creek “the driver opened her mouth and let out a yell as loud as

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