
Symptoms And Symptoms Of Diabetes Essay

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1. Illness or Symptoms:
The most common symptoms are fatigue, having to urinate more than feeling thirsty, distorted vision, and dry mouth. Type 1 diabetes symptoms are rapidly noticed with more severe symptoms verses type 2 diabetes, which have symptoms that usually are not as noticeable and develop at a slower rate.
2. Patients:
Patients who are over 45 are more likely to get diabetes; the older you get the more of a risk you have. If the patient has a family background of type 2 diabetes, it is more likely to develop later in their lifetime. Finally, people who do not watch what they consume or how much physical activity they do, tend to become diabetic easier. In 2014, 29.1 million people were diagnosed with diabetes in America.
3. Name or Diagnosis:
The name of the disease is named Diabetes Mellitus (most common types are diabetes 1 and 2). Diabetes is Greek for siphon, meaning to pass through. Mellitus is Latin, meaning honeyed, or sweet, because the urine attracted ants and was sweet.
4. Outcome or Prognosis: Most patients who have diabetes for an extended amount of time may end up with diabetic neuropathy, which is damage caused to the nerves; it affects the peripheral nerves, autonomic nerves, and focal nerves. From the high blood sugar, it can destroy parts of the patient’s blood vessels, heart, and kidneys. If diabetes is not treated, it will almost always cause heart disease or kidney disease.
5. Cause: Diabetes 1 is caused by an autoimmune

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