
Symptoms And Symptoms Of Insomnia

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Sleep is considerably one of the most beneficial things there is for our health. It improves several functions of our body and affects our overall mood. However, not many people get the amount of sleep needed every night. Several factors can influence that, including disorders. According to a study done by Columbia University, 50 to 70 million Americans suffer from a sleeping disorder. About 30 percent of these people are struggling with insomnia (“What is Insomnia?”). Insomnia is the inability to get quality sleep during the night.

Insomnia occurs when someone has a hard time falling asleep or sleeping through the night. It can affect someone for a short period of time; others may suffer for months, or even years. …show more content…

Therapy and medications are recommended as treatment.

Stressful events, traveling in different time zones, or illnesses may trigger this disorder because the person’s body is not used to different environments or situations they might have recently faced. Keeping a constant routine is an ideal way to avoid missing out on the much needed sleep to feel refreshed (Insomnia). It is also advised that people manage their stress in a healthy way in order to get the recommended eight hours of sleep every night. Some of these ways include being social in a more positive way, regularly exercising, taking time for yourself to relax, or coping in a more spiritual way. It is recommended that you relax by lying down in a comfortable, quiet room. Focusing on your breathing for several minutes and meditating can help your brain slow down and the rest of your body will be able to rest.

The National Sleep Foundation found that 90 percent of Americans regularly use electronics before bed. Smart phones are linked to having trouble falling asleep and interrupting sleep (Helmer). The unnatural light triggers brain activity, when you are supposed to be winding down for the night. The phone light fools with the chemicals in the brain that encourage sleep. Melatonin is the hormone that keeps a constant internal clock in the sleep cycle. Studies have shown that up to two hours of electronic light exposure decreased melatonin levels by nearly 22

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