
Symptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia

Good Essays

Samuel Lucas
S.J. Cordell-Robinson
Advanced English 11
December 18, 2014
Symptoms of Schizophrenia What is schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that affects people all over the world. In addition, it was named by the brilliant psychiatrist and psychologist from Germany, Eugen Bleuler. Well, we must first define what a mental disorder is. A mental disorder is a mental health condition that affects the sufferer’s emotions, thought processes and behavioral activities. Other common mental disorders (also known as mental illnesses) besides schizophrenia include but are not limited to depression, anxiety and eating disorders, and other destructively addictive behaviors. Therefore, schizophrenia is a mental disorder as it is often …show more content…

In the aptly named cotard delusion, one believes that a person either was never born or has perished. In the delusion of infidelity, a person believes incorrectly that their concubine or wife/husband has not maintained loyalty to them. In the delusion of guilt or sin or delusion of self-accusation, one can exhibit an unfounded feeling of horrible regret or guilt. Some other delusional themes are more straightforward in their naming convention: the delusion of mind being read and the delusion of poverty, for example.
More significant delusions include grandiose religious delusion in which the schizophrenic person believes himself to be a messianic figure or even a deity vested with divine powers. This can lead to the formation of cults, as is evidenced by the schizophrenic behavior exhibited by David Koresh, the cult leader of the Branch Davidian cult which was terminated in a violent siege with the United States of America in the state of Texas.
Some sickening delusions can be the somatic delusions. These somatic delusions pertain to the delusions that directly affect the body and/or stimulate the senses. Some victims can suffer from delusional parasitosis. In delusional parasitosis, one feels as though they may be infested with insects, bacteria and sundry other creepy callers.
Erotomania is the delusion where a schizophrenic finds themselves enamoured of someone else for no

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