
Synthesis Essay Sample

Decent Essays

The first time this theme is revealed in the poem “Blackberry-Picking” is while the author describes the first blackberry ripens. He recalls, “You ate that first one and its flesh was sweet.”(Source A.) The blackberries in this poem represent ones childhood. He compares to the innocence of being a child to eating blackberries for the first time after they ripen. He uses the “first one” to represent youthfulness. He continues, by describing the taste as “sweet”. This is similar to the innocence of childhood because in the moment the author is eating the blueberry all he can think about is the sweetness of its powerful taste. In a period of adolescence a child often focuses on the “sweet” aspects in life. This is similar to how Scout in To Kill …show more content…

This is like the sweetness of the blackberries because its all new and sweet. The first day of school is a prime example of Scout’s innocence to show because she is so young she has nothing else in her “life” to compare it to. As the first day continues to go on the day doesn't live up to her once high expectations. After she tells atticus of her days misfortunes she begs, “Please don’t send me back, please sir.”(Source B.) After she realised school did not go as she imagined she never wanted to go “back”. This small experience for Scout will be a slight taste of the harshness of reality for her. The harshness of reality that Scout felt is what the author picking blackberries is about to feel. The author had picked all the blackberries and stored them, but the blackberries began to rot. The author described it as, “the fruit fermented, the sweet flesh would turn sour.”(Source A.) Once the blackberries got old the once sweet flesh turned “sour”. This is much like how while growing up we start to realize the world around us is “sour” or

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