
Syri A Country Filled With Violence, Poverty, And Instability

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Syria has always been a country filled with violence, poverty, and instability. From 1946, when it gained its independence from France, there has always been turmoil and political unrest in the country. The Ba’ath Party’s regime began formally in 1966, although similarly minded factions had control since 1947, and it marked the first stable Syrian government. Syria’s ruling political party is made up of members of the Syrian Alawite population, a minority in a predominantly Sunni country. Up until today, the Ba’ath Party has maintained iron-like control over Syria, with the Assad family leading the party and the country since 1970. Hafez al-Assad began his rule in 1970, and his son, current president Bashar al-Assad, took power after his death in 2000. When the younger Assad first came to power, the West was ready for a more moderate Syria to be created, due to the fact that Assad had a western education and at one point was studying to become an eye doctor in London, England. However, western expectations were proved to be extremely wrong, as Assad has most definitely not created a moderate Syria, and arguably he has even made the country more right-wing. He established unilateral control for himself and the Ba’ath Party multiple times by declaring states-of-emergency in Syria, and he has ruled with an even stronger grip than his father. Since the beginning of the Arab Spring, or more accurately the Long Arab Winter, Bashar al-Assad has only tightened his control, and he

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