
Syrian Refugee Crisis Analysis

Decent Essays

Developments in Society can be seen in many different ways depending on an individual’s worldview or perspective. This idea is evident through the Syrian Refugee Crisis and how it affects Canada. This crisis in Canada is changing every day, as the government creates decisions on how they will or will not aid the refugees. Canadians are saying that they may approve of this refugee resettlement plan laid out by the federal government, but only if it’s taken so far and so fast. The reporters of a Vancouver News Network, a Toronto Tabloid, and an America Daily Newspaper compare and contrast the ideas of a survey from the Angus Reid Institute, a non-profit organization that conducts surveys to analyze different trends in the economy. This survey …show more content…

News1130 explained to us that “47% of Canadians say that the number of refugees taken in (40,000) is about right.” This shows us the Bias that they have discussed regarding the ideas of Trump and Trudeau. Their article is devoted to the idea that many Canadians want to allow more Syrians into the country and that they are happy with the number of refugees in the country at its current state. This is defined quite quickly in the summary stated at the top, noting that “About one in ten say that we should allow more refugees into the country.” The title of Vancouver’s Metro News heavily contradicts the ideas of News1130, immediately mentioning that “1 in 4 Canadians want a Trump Style Ban on Syrian Refugees. They mainly focus on the negative ideas of the Angus Reid Survey, saying that “too many refugees don’t make enough of an effort to fit into mainstream Canada,” which many Canadians find as a major problem because they don’t want these refugees to dictate their society. The Final Source, the esteemed New York Times, takes the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Canada and produces an American perspective for it. Comparing Canada to America and how each government handled the refugee crisis, indirectly implying that Trump should bring more refugees in. The …show more content…

They have been able to help Canada grow to what it has become today and to think that people who have just arrived in Canada get more money than those who have spent the majority of their lives here is unfair. I believe in a case similar to that of News1130, as they understand the idea that many Canadians want to welcome the refugees, but they have to make an effort to fit into society. I disagree with the Metro News and their opinion that Canadians should embrace a Trump Style travel ban because I think that we should be allowed to take people in. Christians are supposed to disciple people and become one under God, so consequently, we should be compelled to helping the refugees. The New York Times showed me a whole new perspective on this idea of multiculturalism and helps to further back up my point of people loving each other no matter what race or gender you may associate yourself

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