
Syrian Refugee Crisis Sociological Analysis

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This sociological analysis will define the theory of social conflict to define the underlying racial, social, and cultural tension of the current Syrian refugee crisis in Canada. The current Syrian immigrant crisis in Canada defines some of the major problems of established racial “norms”, European “values”, and “resources”, such as job opportunities, that inhibit the integration of these people into Canadian society. Angus Reid’s (2016)) provides a current context in which the traditional view of ethnic and racial tolerance in Canada is challenged by a polls done on the subject. These three sociological concepts define the social conflict that is occurring in Canada due to the arrival of Syrian refugees. This CBC news story defines the underlying …show more content…

These factors will define the concepts related to social conflict within this current cultural and racial paradigm. In essence, a sociological analysis define the theory of social conflict to define the underlying tension of the Syrian refugee crisis in Canada. The sociological concept of social conflict as a premise for the current Syrian refugee crisis in Canada. Currently, the threat of Syrian refuges into Canada reveals some of the racial “norms” that define the fear of foreign people in a time of terrorism and war. The “norm” is a social conflict concept that defines the established white European dominance of Anglophile and Francophile society in Canada, which Reid (2016) defines as dominant racial value in Canada: Likewise, around the same time, we polled Canadians on a campaign originating in …show more content…

A ‘value” is a sociological concept of the dominant culture, such as Anglophile and Francophile culture, which has become the dominant culture system of interaction in these Canadian groupings. In the current Syrian immigrant crisis, many Canadians fear that a massive influx of Syrians will threat the dominance of their Eurocentric value system. In fact, Reid (2016) suggests in his poll findings that many Canadians feel that Syrians should adapt to Canadian norms, instead of practicing their own culture: “Canadians say they would prefer that minorities "do more to fit in" with mainstream Canada (para.8). This aspect of Eurocentric values include speaking English and French languages, but more importantly, that Syrians will be asked to forfeit their own cultural values to adapt into Canadian society. This is the underlying conflict in the immigrant crisis, which is fueling anti-immigrant findings in the polls done by Reid in Canadian society. This aspect of social conflict theory illustrates the cultural values of European society that are attempting for force the Syrians to rebuild their lives as “Europeans”, and not Syrians. This aspect of “multiculturalism” in Canada is being challenged by the increasingly Eurocentric value systems that oppose the arrival of Syrians into the country. In this manner, Reid (2016) is attempting to dispel the social myth of Canadian

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