
Syrian Refugees Research Paper

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Syria's civil war has been the worst humanitarian crisis of our time. With more than 250,000 people who have died in this violent outbreak in Syria during 2011. During the course of the civil war at least 11 million people out of a 22 million populated country have fled their homes. Many families in Syria are struggling to make life for themselves, or even other neighboring countries. While others are risking their lives on the way to Europe, hoping to find acceptance and opportunity. And the onset of harsh winter weather makes life as a refugee even more difficult. At times, the effects of the conflict can seem overwhelming. Although one simple fact is true, these Syrian refugees need our help. And as a country that inserted a resettlement we should contribute more into helping these refugees. But the United states governors fear of terrorism could cost the extent of our aid to be limited.

Over the years the middle east has …show more content…

Among these 31 states, all but one have Republican governors. On thursday the house of representative had passed a bill that will bring forth additional security measures to refugees from syria and Iraq. They were therefore joined by 50 other democrats who supported the bill. But it is said by Obama that he would veto the bill in defence of the U.S resettlement program. Which was established in the 1970s and found homes for over 3 million people fleeing war or persecution(Welsh). The United states showing fear in refugees is the type of response groups like Isis are trying to exploit. But now more than ever we as a country need to stand with people displaced from their home by the ethics of hated and help protect

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