
Tanner-Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

On a Sunday morning in Green Township, I was going quading with my friend Tanner. I woke up and had breakfast. After breakfast, I took a shower then I waited for them to show up. Sure enough Tanner came with the quads on the back of the truck all ready to be used. I got in the car and Tanner was silent. His dad was talking to me about football It was a nice conversation that felt like it went on and on and on until we finally got the farm. It was a chilly day, so we grabbed a sweatshirt and gloves from the back of the truck. I jumped out of the truck and felt the dirt against my feet. the cold breeze hit me, I inhaled a stench that was farm-like, the smell of animal poop mixed with sweaty people. I heard the cows mooing and the pigs oinking …show more content…

I was curious about why I would need goggles. I said no thank you. We started the quads and we let them sit while they warmed up. We walked around then they were ready to go. Then I started riding. I realized why I needed the googles, the cold breeze whipped my eyes and stung so badly that immediately I went back and got the goggles. I said to Tanner's dad now I know why I needed the googles. I went around the little field that we were riding in it was very bumpy and we started going faster as we new the place better. It became more fun than we thought it would be. and here comes the bad part. We started playing a game sorta like cops and robbers but better tanners quad was faster than mine so I would try to ride away from him and he would try to catch me. He would make me stop kind of like pull me over and then he would pull me over and then pull in front of my quad but I would kick I into reverse and run away so we played this for like a half an hour. We kept on but this time I was running and I was going top speed and I fell straight into a ditch About 3 feet high and I went straight over the handlebars my sweatshirt pocket got stuck on the handlebar and ripped. The string of my sweatshirt wrapped around the handle bar and got stuck in a not. I was laying with my sweatshirt strangling the quad kept on moving I thought I was going to get run over by the quad but tanners dad stopped it just in time and he got me

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