
Target Behavior Analysis

Decent Essays

In order to want to improve something in life that you struggle with, you must first acknowledge exactly what it is you would like to fix. For my performance area, the area in my life that is in need of a drastic change is time management. I have always been a huge procrastinator, and it has taken its toll on my life. Procrastination often leads to missed opportunities, poor performance, and increased levels of stress. A lot of people in this day and age, especially college students, struggle with time management. However, it is a very difficult subject to pinpoint, and accept that you have an issue with.
II. Target Behaviors Some of the target behaviors I would like to decrease, and increase are pretty obvious. I would aim to increase my use of daylight, and make the most of my day, which would result in me obtaining more energy which would allow me to have more time to do things. Along with that, I would also like to increase my focus during the day, which would allow me to give my attention more on the things that actually matter. As for a behavior I would like to decrease, it is a little more broad. I would like to decrease my procrastination and laziness, obviously. Also, I would …show more content…

This chapter discusses goal setting, and how to reach them. Some of the principles of goal setting are ones that I need to focus on. My main issue with procrastination is setting moderately difficult but realistic goals. When I think about time management, I always set these crazy goals that I think I can do in a week. I have not always been terrible at making goals that have a low chance of achieving it. “Goals that are too difficult to achieve can cause frustration, reduced confidence, and poor performance” (Weinberg, 2015). This is exactly what causes the most stress when it comes to students who are told to make goals – we insist on making unrealistic goals

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