
Tattoos and Body Piercing in the Workforce

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Tattoos and Body Piercing in the Workforce

What canvas holds some of the most creative artwork today? If you guessed the human skin, you would be right. However, about three decades ago, one would only find these types of markings and insignias on what would be considered the “rough” crowd: bikers, sailors, gang members, and prison inmates. Today; however, tattoos and piercings can be seen on nearly anyone from the age of 15 and up. Not to mention, these body modifications can be found on all types of workers, male or female, white and blue-collar. Even though times have changed and opinions along with it, the workforce is still making a firm stand to some older thoughts. Although, body art has become a more accepted form of …show more content…

Then find out what the company’s dress policy consists of; that company may be kosher with tattoos and piercings. However, as stated by John, Challenger of Challenger, Gray & Christmas Inc., “We may never see tattoos on bankers, lawyers, accountants and the clergy may be resistant to body art. As a job seeker, you have to judge whether the employer you are interviewing with is going to be accepting of your body art (Boyd, 2007).” Employers must make decisions based on what is best for his or her company. Even though the acceptance of body modification is on the rise, negative connotations still surround and stereotype this form of expression for many people in our society, specifically customers and clients. A whopping number of the public still feel negatively about seeing body art in the workplace. In fact, studies reveal, “Among the general public, perceptions about those who choose to adorn their bodies run the gamut, although the most frequently mentioned adjective are “rebellious” and “experimental,” suggested by 67% of Americans, respectively (American Demographics, 2001).” Even more amazingly, 56% simply find tattoos and body art distasteful. In 65 year-olds and older, 57% describe body art as “freakish and 29% of 18-24 year-olds (American Demographics, 2001). So, do not expect to see any executives showing off their tattoos in the boardroom anytime soon. Which choice

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