
Teacher Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

For this assignment I was unable to ask the teachers at my normal school setting questions due to them being on vacation all this week. That being said I asked one of my favorite teachers who works at the high school I go to. This teacher's name is Claire Hickman, she is the art teacher at Bayshore High School. One of my questions asked how many years she has been in an inclusive learning environment and her answer was 13 years! That’s just 5 years short of my life time so I am sure I can learn a lot from her. I had also asked the overall composition of her classes she mentioned that each class had about 35 students ranging from grades 9 to 12. Of these 35 students 11 would be ESOL, 5 V.E. students, and 1 gifted student. I had even asked if she makes changes on her lesson plans depending on the type of student that are coming into her classroom she said yes. I asked her questions mainly pertaining to students who are ESOL and students who have disabilities. She is extremely open with her views and I knew she would make the perfect candidate to interview.

I had asked Mrs. Hickman a couple varying questions on stduents who are ESOL. My first question is "how do you communicate with the students?" She had mentioned the fact that she uses pictures, slide shows, and step by step examples to help walk students through the process. This question was very interesting to me because it really does show that art is something universal, everyone knows what art is and you do not really need to know a language to communicate through it. Any other teacher may have issues communicating if they do not fluently speak other languages but Mrs. Hickman seems to handle it very well even though her primary language is English. I had asked Mrs. Hickman how she manages to teach a classroom with different diversities she said "Classroom management skills are the same, no matter how many cultures are reflected." I think what she meant by this is that no matter who is in her classroom she would help the student rise to their potentional no matter who they are or where they came from. I had asked if the diversity of her classroom has expanded since she started working and she did mention that she had seen her number of ESOL

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