
Louisa C. Moats Teaching Reading Is Rocket Science

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Teaching Reading Is Rocket Science
What Expert Teachers of Reading Should Know and Be Able To Do

The most fundamental responsibility of schools is teaching students to read.

Teaching Reading Is Rocket Science

What Expert Teachers of Reading Should Know and Be Able To Do

June 1999

Author note: This paper was prepared for the American Federation of Teachers by Louisa C. Moats, project director, Washington D.C. site of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Early Interventions Project, and clinical associate professor of pediatrics, University of Texas, Houston, Health Sciences Center. Her work is supported in part by grant HD30995, “Early Interventions for Children with Reading Problems,” …show more content…


To understand printed language well enough to teach it explicitly requires disciplined study of its systems and forms, both spoken and written.

Executive Summary


he most fundamental responsibility of schools is teaching students to read. Indeed, the future success of all students hinges upon their ability to become proficient readers. Recent scientific studies have allowed us to understand more than ever before how literacy develops, why some children have difficulty, and what constitutes best instructional practice. Scientists now estimate that fully 95 percent of all children can be taught to read. Yet, in spite of all our knowledge, statistics reveal an alarming prevalence of struggling and poor readers that is not limited to any one segment of society: s About 20 percent of elementary students nationwide have significant problems learning to read. At least 20 percent of elementary students do not read fluently enough to enjoy or engage in independent reading. The rate of reading failure for AfricanAmerican, Hispanic, limited-English speakers and poor children ranges from 60 percent to 70 percent. One-third of poor readers nationwide are from college-educated families. Twenty-five percent of adults in this country lack the basic literacy skills required in a typical job.



ameliorated by literacy instruction that includes a range of research-based components and

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