
Team Building And Development Team

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Priya Babukumar
Sullivan University
MGT 597 - CPT Externship Class August 25th, 2015

Team Building and Development
It takes extraordinary leadership to assemble great teams. Leaders who are not reluctant to course right, making challenging choices and launch principles of implementation that are continually being met – and enhancing them at all times. Whether in the working environment, expert sports, or our nearby community, team building needs a keen understanding of individuals, their merits and what makes them eager to work with others. Llopis mentioned, “Team building is both an art and a science and the manager who constantly brings out great performance teams is worth their weight in gold” (2012).
Building organizations needs the knowledge and skill to build ever-lasting teams. This is the reason why most managers can never become leaders and why most leaders never achieve the utmost summit of success. It involves the knack to ace the “craft of individuals” and knowing how to move hundreds of individuals at the right place and at the right time. It means to know how each individual thinks and how to best use their skills properly at all times. It’s like playing a continuous match of chess – realizing that each incorrect move can cost the organization thousands of dollars, if not millions (Llopis, 2012).
All through life, we all like to be made to feel commendable and acknowledged, realizing that our presence can be a piece of vital

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