
Technology And Technology : The Influence Of Technology

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Wealth. Despite the general overall wealth and quality of life within the United States, acquisition of technology is still limited by the mentality of those with and without disposable finances. People with income equal to greater than the “middle class” tend to view technology as a necessity (Cook, 2016). It is a tool without which they cannot accomplish their goals. “Interestingly, the poll shows that the importance of technology in Americans’ lives depends on their socioeconomic status. Seventy-six percent of upper-income and middle-class respondents called technology crucial, while just 55 percent of lower-income people considered it so.” (Cook, 2016) This is important in two respects, first those who are most likely to purchase are those with the greater about of income to use in the endeavor and second, because those people more likely to buy see it as critical to their lives they are also more likely to look for high product quality rather than discount as a primary motivator. This would likely work in favor of Apple’s cultivated image of quality. People who want the best will seek a brand that has high prices for both profit and appearance (Greenspan, 2017). Mobility and Innovation. The two other primary considerations, when specifically considering tablet purchases, are mobility and innovation (Statistica, 2012). The advent of large screens on smart phones has made the smart phone into both an entertainment and communication device leaving tablets more

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