
Ted Talk Analysis

Decent Essays

Key Components Kate Simonds’ Ted Talk speaks out the truth of inequity towards young people, especially on teens in regards of voicing and expressing their thoughts and ideas without being neglected. It discusses the challenges of teens’ voice being heard due to the societal perception towards the insignificance of young people’s voice as they are labeled as “naive and ignorant”. Kate Simonds’ stated on her Ted talk that “the only qualification to being a TED speaker is to have an idea. An idea you think is worth spreading” which she stated to be a problem due to her age of 17 which will lead to her idea being accounted to be worthless. To further emphasize her point of unfairness, She added humor on her speech saying “you’re only respecting me because I’m on this stage. Maybe it’s because you like my extremely high heels” which somewhat makes her acceptable to the society to be heard of as she wears “high heels” which can represent maturity because it is most common and norms for an adult to wear heels. Her introduction was well executed as she was able to outline and introduce the problem, thus, leading her to state her opinion on her thesis that “any idea should be respected no matter the age of who it comes from.” Furthermore, she discusses how unfairness towards teens are present in many different situations where adults neglect and don't respect her voice and it was stated that “according to a Life Science article from 2008, that because [she’s] a teenager, [she] can’t experience empathy which is defined as the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.” Also, argues that students are being looked down upon and she talks about the expectations from students such as following the system education and how they are not expected to oblige. Overall, this discusses how young people are often told “You don’t get it, you’re 17. You don’t deserve to have the control over what you learn” this statement is contributing factors to why many voices are often unheard because others are ignorant. Thesis Young people such as teenagers are strip off the rights of freedom of expression without being judged or neglected by the society because the mentality of the people is vastly influenced by the concept

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