
Teen Cirnancy : The Consequences Of Teen Pregnancy

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If Someone Would Of Told Me
High school can be the best four years of your life. As soon as you come in a lot of things change. There is friendships developed, puberty changes, more partying than ever, and everyone wants to have sex just to look cool. But in reality, what are the consequences after having unprotected sex; teen pregnancy. Teen pregnancy comes with many negative consequences such as financial needs, education, stress, and having to wrap up your childhood quickly.
The United States has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the world. 3 to 10 teen American girls will get pregnant at least once before the age of 20 (11 Facts). Most of these pregnancies are unplanned. Why is there so many unplanned pregnancies? Its simple teens do not realize the mess they are getting themselves into once they have unprotected sex. They have unprotected sex because there is no way they can get protection without adults wondering what they are gonna be using protection for. But that is the problem teenagers cannot confront their parents or any adults about getting protection for themselves. Instead, they go and have sex not realizing the risks they can face. On the other hand, everything is more updated and this generation is way more advanced than any generation. Adults should really start giving some sex education classes since kids are in 6th grade; because that is when most girls start getting their menstrual cycle and when both boys and girls hormones are everywhere. Schools should consider having sex education classes for their teens. Sometimes teens will not talk with their parent about this topic since it is uncomfortable so the school should try talking to them about it. “90% of Americans believe that sex education should be taught in schools, meanwhile 82% support comprehensive programs that teach students about both abstinence and methods to prevent pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases (Parks 73).” Having more conversations about this topic will decrease the rate in teen pregnancies and will change the lives of many teens.
With this in mind, teenage parents do not know the consequences to raising a baby at such a young age. It is tough, teens are still children growing up and they are

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