
Teen Depression

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The research project my group and I decided to do was on teen depression. We wanted teens to be more familiar with this major teen issue and how it affects our daily lives. Teen depression is a major concern and it is not fully acknowledged within high schools. Many people even adults don’t understand the results of teen depression. The statistics on teen depression are sobering. Studies indicate that one in five children have some sort of mental, behavioral, or emotional problem, and that one in ten may have a serious emotional problem. Some quick facts, one in eight teens may suffer from depression. Of all these children and teens struggling with emotional and behavioral problems, 30 % of these teens receive any sort of …show more content…

Counselling means talking about your feelings with a professional trained psychologist who can help you change your thoughts about life, or behaviours that may be causing you to be depressed. Medicine is used to treat depression that is more severe. When you feel seriously depressed and its taking over your life than antidepressant medications might be necessary. With some sort of depression many depressed teens say they feel it just a few weeks. Remember, when you feel as if everything is impossible and you don’t feel wanted, you are not alone.

For our groups results we tallied up all 50 surveys and divided them into three groups: The first group being Grade 9 boys, second group Grade 12 boys and the last group females in high school. Within these groups we found out some interesting information.
Below is a chart with all our findings filled in:
|Questions: |Grade 9 Boys |Grade 12 Boys |High school Girls |
|Gender: |11 Boys |21 boys |18 girls |
|Grade: |Grade 9 |Grade 12 |Grade 9: 7 |
| | | |Grade 12:

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