
Teen Mom Analysis

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Teen pregnancy is a subject easily made into a reality show as it makes viewers feel morally superior—we are made to believe that young mothers are “unstable, weak and selfish” (Friedman) and that these women’s struggles are just the ‘consequences’ of their promiscuous behaviour. Shows like 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom aim to engage an audience by showing them what poor choices (i.e. sexual activity) and the events that follow these choices look like. They also attempt to be an example for young, impressionable viewers, constantly reiterating that teen pregnancy is “100% preventable”. However, the morals behind these TV shows seem to be partisan, intentionally failing to mention every side of the story. The reason that these reality shows are able to thrive is because they agree with the misogynistic moral perspectives held by …show more content…

“Young mothers...have done the unthinkable...engaging in sexual activity” (Friedman). The clear message is that the only way to prevent pregnancy is to stay abstinent. Friedman also points out that while the show heavily discusses the options of parenting or adoption when a teen becomes pregnant, they hardly ever mention the third option: abortion. The idea behind this is that the young women are supposed to suffer the consequences of their sexual activity, either through the public shaming, the hardships of parenting or the grief that comes with giving up your child for adoption. Women who choose abortion get the ‘easy way out’ and do not have to face the consequences of their actions. The young men in the show are not subject to the same criticism that the women are; clearly, it’s a misogyny thing! So how does the show attract so many viewers? The reason is likely because an audience is fascinated by the ‘immorality’ of these young

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