
Teen Pregnancy And Teenage Pregnancy Essay

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When it comes to the topic of TV shows like “16 and Pregnant” promote or discourage teenage pregnancy, most of us will readily agree that it prevents teen pregnancy, Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of has teen pregnancy decrease over the years while airing pregnancy shows. Whereas some are convinced that teen pregnancy has declined nationale because of the program, others maintain that teen pregnancy has increased since the reality show started to air. I disagree with others views that it does promote teen pregnancy because, as recent research has shown, since teen pregnancy has aired nationwide the percentage of teen pregnancy has surprisingly gone down due to the view of the show and seeing what the young mothers have to go through and the responsibilities they have now that they are mothers.
Studies have shown over the years the franchise has made a dramatically decreased in teen pregnancy from June 2009 to the end of June 2010, there has been a huge decreased since then. Throughout time the percentage becomes bigger and bigger showing that fewer teens are not getting pregnant and being a whole lot safer when it comes to sex. Due to that achievement the TV show “16 and Pregnant” will continue its involvement on airing their show nationwide to help discourage pregnancy as well as a decrease in abortions. Victoria Taylor from NY Daily News wrote the article, “MTV’s ‘16 and pregnant’ and ‘Teen Mom’ discouraging teen pregnancy; study” .

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