
Essay about Teen Pregnancy

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Teen pregnancy is a major problem in the United States. There are significantly more teenage pregnancies in the United States than all other developing countries (Cleo & Moore, 1995). According to The Complete and Authoritative Guide: Caring for Your Teenager, out of every five women under twenty, two will become pregnant. Teen pregnancy rates have increased 23% from 1972 to 1990 (Napier, 1997) In order to come to a solution it is important to examine why teenage pregnancy is so high in the United States. When analyzing teen pregnancy, an effective way to get to the root of the problem is using the critical component of the sociological imagination. Critically, the two most prevalent ways to look at teen pregnancy are through a …show more content…

Liberals believe socioeconomic status is a factor in teen pregnancy. They want to put a stop to blaming the youth. Liberals understand it is time to examine why some teens want to become parents. When teens don't see a successful future for themselves, getting pregnant isn't that bad of an option. Factors in teen pregnancy are a perception of unattainable goals, and lack of educational and occupational prospects, both prevailing in poor communities. "Dash (1989) concluded that child-rearing provides a tangible economic and psychological asset for black teens whose future prospects are bleak." There are more African Americans living in extreme poverty than Latinos and Whites (Ralley, pg#). In the journal article, "Internal Poverty and Teen Pregnancy," the life options model is proposed. The life options model suggests that, "If disadvantaged youths do not perceive that doors are open to them, it is perhaps difficult for them to see teen pregnancy as closing any doors" (Young, Sue & Martin, 2001) Young, Sue & Martin (2001) examined adolescent females' educational expectations. They found that females of all races who became pregnant had lower expectations of educational attainment and likelihood they would graduate high school, compared to their nonpregnant counterpart. There is a significant amount of evidence that

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