
Teens And Mtv's Unrealistic Beliefs On Teen Pregnancy

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Research article authors Nicole Martins and Robin E. Jensen, intended to study the relationship between MTV’s series “Teen Mom” reality show and teenagers’ unrealistic beliefs about what is like to be a teen mom. The seven motivations for asking “why” are used to convince the audience that it is worthy of research by exploring the relationship with the intentions to discredit the previous findings that state, “Teen Mom” and “16 and Pregnant” is one of the best public service campaign to prevent teen pregnancy. This topic presents a number of complications in the lives of both induvial and societal as a whole; providing evidence to answer the readers question on why this topic is of importance and worthy of research. Yearly, $7 billion are taxed to all U.S citizens for welfare and healthcare relating to teen pregnancy, driving the United States to the top as the highest rated country with teen pregnancy. Consequently, almost half of teen mothers are unable to receive a high school diploma; leading to lower occupation income for both fathers and mothers. I myself have personally witnessed the toll it takes on one’s life from three women who became mothers at a young age. Many teens are unaware of the high risks and consequences of becoming pregnant or are in denial of the possibility. Being able to be a part of their journey has increased my belief of the importance on this topic and related research.
When comparing this article to a good literature review, it successfully provides an adequate overview of previous research done and uses it to enhance the project at hand. When evaluating the quality and relevance of this article, Martins and Jensen do an admirable job communicating the purpose of research to the reader and organizing its literature review. The data from other studies is in chronological order and are structured from broader studies to more specific ones which is seen when the sources are cited. An analysis was provided after presenting the findings from previous studies and the authors were able to communicate how those studies influenced their own research. As a whole, the literature review was well organized by key ideas and topics that logically lead to the research Martins and Jensen were

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