
The Teleological Argument For The Existence Of God

Decent Essays

The question of God’s existence has been pondered by humans for centuries. There are an infinite number of different opinions, arguments, and ideas favoring for or against the idea of God. Personally, I strongly believe in God not only due to my religious affiliation, but also because of my own opinions, ideas, and experience. To begin with, the complexity of Earth and the life that has formed upon it cannot be based just on luck or chance. I believe that ultimately God, as a power, rather than a mystical being is the one created and controls the universe. Although the God and his authority are not entirely comprehensible by humans, it’s our faith as worshiper that eventually lead us to a greater understanding.
To begin with, I believe the teleological argument for the existence of God substantiates that a greater force must exist. The teleological argument comes from the philosopher Paley. The argument states that …show more content…

In her explanation, Lady Philosophy states that God is in ultimate control of the universe. She also introduces the idea that while humans are temporal beings, God lives outside of time. The world, to God, is viewed as an instantaneous event and there is no past, present, or future. Therefore, while they do not have the ability to fully understand God and his perspective, humans have free will and the ability to control their life. Building upon these ideas, I would say that humans have yet to fully understand the aspects of the earth, nevertheless the universe. Consequently, it’s not difficult to believe that humans are not yet able to understand the forces that dictate our universe. Humanity’s inability to fully comprehend, or perhaps see evidence for, God is not because of God nonexistence, rather it is the choice of God that we remain in the shadows of greater understanding. Therefore, humans must hold faith, rather than doubt, in the greater powers of the

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