
Television Advertisement

Decent Essays

Television can be used to demonstrate the product in action, or to use colour and sound to build an atmosphere around the product, thus enhancing its image (Fahy & Jobber, 2006). The emphasis for this thesis will be television advertisements, because of the many elements of television, sound, colour, sight and motion that aid the presentation of the message. Also the fact that Brassington and Pettitt (2000) argue that television is better for creating an advertisement message with emotional appeals, contributes to our concentration to television advertisements. The degree of television advertisement standardization/adaptation at the international level refers mainly to the manipulation by the manager of the promotional mix elements …show more content…

Chandra’s et al. (2002) research suggests that cross-market consumer variations may necessitate unique decisions about adaptations in an advertisement’s theme, slogan, idiomatic expressions, symbols and colours. Furthermore, Chandra et al. (2002) state that for a firm to maximize profits fully, it must adapt their advertising campaigns to the needs of its specific international target market.

2.1 Elements in Television Advertising
Melewar and Vemmervik (2004) found in their research that the visual and verbal elements of advertising are particularly sensitive to/and are more dependent on cultural differences. They continue with saying that the use of local language, models and scenery increases the probability for the advertisement to be effective. Laroche and Teng (2006) added another element appeal, which will add another dimension to our research and provide a more comprehensive and clear picture of the research area.

Advertising appeals are defined as message designed to motivate customers to make a purchase. (Mueller, 1992) According to Laroche and Teng (2006) the most basic elements associated with advertising are the choice of appeal. Kelley and Turley (1997) state that advertising appeals are commonly categorize into two broad types, rational and emotional appeal. Laroche and Teng (2006) further argue that when cultural

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