
Terry Moore How To Tie Your Shoes Rhetorical Devices

Decent Essays

Student Name Stille College Prep Writing: Rhetorical Analysis 15 Dec. 2017 Creative title-only add “quotation marks” if it is not an original title Terry Moore presented a Technology, Education, Design (TED) Talk in May of 2011 entitled “How to Tie Your Shoes.” During which, he humorously explained the best way to tie one's shoes to a group of highly intelligent individuals. He displayed the age-old ways of how to tie shoes, and shows why his way is the best. Moore tries to show everyone that the processes people do every day have the possibility to be improved. Moore does a fantastic job delivering information about a seemingly silly topic, tying one’s shoes, through his own personal experiences and the informal words he used during his speech. Moore was able to legitimize the subject of his speech by admitting that he had also been tying his shoes wrong for the majority of his lifetime. In the speech Moore said, “I know this sounds ludicrous. And believe me; I lived the same sad life until about three years ago.” This shows that Moore, like the audience he is trying to reach, also did not know how to tie his shoes the correct way. Explaining that he did not know how to tie his shoes correctly, but now does, legitimizes himself as speaker on the subject. This allows him to be an appropriate presenter to such an elite group of people. This is helpful because trying to explain that these extremely intelligent people are performing an everyday task completely wrong is no

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