
Texas Government Vs Federal Government Essay

Decent Essays

National and State governments are organized in similar ways. Both have power derived from the people, three branches of government, checks and balances on political power, individual rights, and federalism. They may seem to have many similarities, but they also have many differences which sets them apart from each other. The Texas Constitution was written to limit the expansion of governmental authority, while the U.S. Constitution was written to act effectively in the public welfare. Over the years, the National government has indeed expanded. Federalism is power divided by a constitution between a central and regional government. The U.S. Constitution gave Congress many enumerated rights, as well as implied rights which is mention in the necessary and proper clause which is in Article I Section 8. This clause gives Congress to do whatever is necessary and proper to accomplish their constitutional duties. In the Texas Constitution, the government is smaller and does not have the loophole of the necessary and proper clause. Texas government were only given enumerated powers. The …show more content…

and Texas constitution has individual rights which are in the Bill of Rights. Each of these rights are rights that people possess that the government may not violate. For the U.S. Constitution, it is the first 10 amendments. For the Texas Constitution, the Bill of Rights are in Article I, which includes promises to our freedoms which are not stated in the U.S. Constitution. Some of the promises made are prohibition of discrimination based on sex, forbids imprisonment for debt, protects the rights of crime victims and prohibits the garnishment of wages except for court-ordered child support. Texas forbids monopolies which are contrary to public interest, and give what circumstances a person can be denied bail. The 14th amendment which followed the Civil War, put more restrictions of Texas than was previously. This addressed citizenship rights and equal protection of

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