
The Abortion - Anne Sexton Essay

Decent Essays

'The Abortion' by Anne Sexton is a first person narrative poem in the style of a stream of consciousness and conveys a woman's emotional and physical journey whilst undergoing an abortion. I intend to discuss how through the effective use of imagery, tone, symbolism and word choice the poet successfully builds up an atmosphere which adds to your appreciation of the poem. Within stanzas one and two the poet uses imagery and word choice to convey that the narrator is thinking about new life, pregnancy and babies. "bud puffing out from its knot" This gives off the image of a flower blooming in Spring time, which suggests new life. "knot" could symbolize the bump in the branch where the …show more content…

"he took the fullness the love began" This is unusual as "he took" suggests that the narrator is actually trying to pass the blame onto the doctor instead of accepting the blame herself. "love began" suggests that this child was created in a loving relationship with happiness, however, if this was the case why does the narrator wish to abort her baby? Within stanza six the narrator is returning home and the imagery and word choice convey a feeling of emptiness and a dark, depressing atmosphere. "Returning North" This is a complete contrast within the poem. At the beginning she was travelling South, was pregnant and was relatively happy, now she is returning North, isn't pregnant and is depressed. The contrast helps to enforce the narrators emotions. "The road was as flat as a sheet of tin" This simile represents the narrator. "flat" refers to how she feels emotionally and physically" whilst "tin" is a cold, hard, grey rock which expresses her feelings. "high window looking nowhere" This suggests the narrator feels empty, alone and her future is bleak to her. The poem begins with two lines which are repeated throughout the poem which convey what the narrator is thinking, they represent the voice in

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