
The Absolute And Constitutional Governments During The Seventeenth Century Essay

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During the seventeenth century Europe witnessed two prominent forms of government, an absolutist and a limited/constitutional. Both governments were constructed through several key figures that were in control of the countries, some more stable than others. Although these key figures tried to dominate the government under absolute authority their control was still limited. Absolutists monarchies were trying to be established all over the country, unfortunately many of them failed due to various factors. Throughout the seventeenth century Europe rulers have tried to maintain an absolutist monarchy however society still found some holes in their power, which limited the ruler’s control. The absolute and constitutional governments were two very different governments in practice, but also maintained similar characteristics in both systems of government. The differences between both governments emerged during the sixteenth and seventeenth century when Europeans began to experiment with absolutism and constitution monarchies. An absolute monarchy can be defined as the monarch, king or queen, holds the supreme or absolute powers and rule is based on divine right. In other words, the king received their power from God, so he only had to answer to God not parliament. The king is entitled to make all economic and other state related decisions for the country, while the prime minister exercises effective political power. Absolutism began with the decline of the church and

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