
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Decolonization In Hong Kong

Decent Essays

I was born in 1997, when Hong Kong was handed over to China from Britain. It marked the end of 99-years British colonization in Hong Kong. I am 19 years old now and this year is the 19thanniversary of the establishment of the HKSAR. The decolonization in Hong Kong has left several considerable troubles, mainly in the political and social aspects. Hong Kong is now trapped in the chaos, which is attributable to this part of history.

The current situation in Hong Kong makes me reflect: do the former colonies benefit from decolonization? Undoubtedly, this process was detrimental to the colonial rulers because they lost a large quantity of cheap raw materials supply and overseas markets for the economic purpose. How about the former colonies? Does …show more content…

Egyptian generals were sent to replace the princes of the colonial areas and took over the governance and control . The intensified colonial rivalry in Europe before WWI had far-reaching impacts in the modern world. Since the 19th century, Great Powers such as Britain, France, Germany and Russia competed fiercely for colonies in Europe, Asia and Africa in order to seek national glories such as Franco-Italian rivalry over Tunisia, Franco-German rivalry over Morocco and Anglo-German rivalry over S. Africa. These rivalries had indirectly led to the outbreak of WWI.

Hong Kong was one of the victims under this competition. In August 1842, Hong Kong Island was made a crown colony in the Treaty of Nanking as a result of the Chinese failure in the First Opium War. 18 years later, Qing Dynasty was defeated again in the Second Opium War and forced to sign the Convention of Pecking. One of the treaty terms was the cession of Kowloon Peninsula on 24 October 1860. British further extended its colony to the New Territories in the term of 99-years lease in the Convention for the Extension of Hong Kong Territory of 1898.
The entire Hong Kong was then put under British colonial

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