
The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain

Decent Essays

Huck Finn: The Truth In America’s History

“Neither literature nor history should be changed to be politically correct. Huckleberry Finn should be taught using appropriate historical context.” (Brinks). In the December of 1884, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, written by Mark Twain, is published in the United Kingdom. The novel is known as a product of the literature of its time; it’s main focus on the element of realism. It is incredibly widespread, it’s popularity gained from being one of the first books written in informal English. That popularity is still in act today, earning the novel its label of being an ‘American Classic.’ To the good people of America’s misfortune, Huck Finn is put into deliberation of its relevance in the classroom. Innumerable amounts of people question whether the book is appropriate for students because of its use of the deplorable “N-word.” In opposition of the argument, there are many aspects of the novel that provide excellent teaching moments for the children of today to be educated on. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a meaningful book that deserves its place in the American high school school curriculum because it speaks the truth of the nation’s past, provides unparalleled teaching moments and is clearly a product of realism.
History is something that cannot be changed, so there is no need to change it for appearance’s sake. In order for future generations to live on and not repeat past mistakes, teachers must be brutally

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