
The Affordable Care Act ( Aca )

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Abstract: The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is the most comprehensive reform of the U.S. medical system since Medicare. President Obama’s signature legislation vividly changes the landscape of the group insurance market in the United States. The ACA, which was signed into law on March 23rd, 2010, carries mandates that require Americans to have health insurance (2014 in 214 words, 2013). The ACA increases entitlement insurance and subsidizes private insurance, but reduces reimbursements under Medicare. The ACA is set to raise taxes in various ways, but projecting the financial stability and the health of this fundamental reform has been very difficult to conclusively determine. Projections of the impact of this act was required as part of the legislative process, but the forecasts and projections that were first submitted to the Congressional Budget Office have been rescinded with a current statement from the CBO essentially saying that “the financial impact of the ACA cannot be ascertained” (Conover, 2013).
The ACA was introduced to care for those without insurance, and to also make amends to those with a pre-existing condition to retain some semblance of health insurance. When fully implemented, the ACA promises to lead to a dramatically different health care process for the United States in the years to come. The central legislation to making this proposal become law was that the ACA would increase health coverage to extend to as many as 32 million more previously uninsured

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