
The Affordable Care Act ( Aca )

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The Affordable Care Act (ACA), unofficially called Obama Care, was signed by President Obama in March of 2010. The ACA was later sent to Congress and passed in June of 2012. The Affordable Care Act’s goals are to help the community have affordable health care for all United State citizens. There are several significant differences between both parties in the House of Representatives on the Affordable Care Act. Since the Affordable Care Act has been instated as law, the pros have masked the cons and there seems to only be positive outcomes. Democrats are in favor of the ACA because this will help the majority of the population in the United States. The Democrat support of The Affordable Care Act has helped people who cannot afford health care; for example, the act makes health care more affordable and available to the people. While writing The Affordable Care Act, Democrats and Republicans argued over conflicts of ideas to which side was right or wrong. Democrats believed that the Affordable Care Act would prosper and thus far it has shown positive results, and unlike the Democrats, Republicans believe in the abstracts of the reform and currently still do. The Affordable Care Act is fairly new and has been a law for three years now. The health care reform is a piece of legislation that gives the poorest Americans the opportunity to have health care. The ACA’s job is to expand coverage, lower health care costs, have more choices available, and make health care more convenient

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