
The American Of The German Language Essay

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According to Rothenberg, “Arabs and Muslim Americans are the new problem of American society, but there have of course been others” (p. 237). He then goes on and states, many other minority groups faced similar discrimination, often during times of war, immigration, and largely based on religion. For example, during colonization of the United States Native Americans were stereotyped to be savages. During World War 1, many schools banned the teaching of the German language. I believe Muslim Americans are facing the same type of discrimination, due to war in the middle east, and religious affiliation.

Post 9/11, I think George Bush would have been impeached if he did not declare war. That was the first time we have ever been attacked on American soil by foreign enemies. However, you cannot judge the masses by the acts of the few. Yes, those who attacked us were Muslim’s. Yes, they followed the Quran, regardless you can’t stereotype an entire “race” of people based on the acts of few. Some people would argue that only Shia Muslims are the “radical” sect of Islam, however, that doesn’t even stand to be true either. Saddam Hussein was a Sunni Muslim, and worked to oppress the Shia. Fast forward to 2016, and now you have Isis to blame for the general distaste for Muslim Americans.

Once again, all the followers of Islam are not radical, contrary to popular belief all the followers of Islam are not looking forward to suicidaly killing infidels. The people who are

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