
The Argument For The Existence Of God

Decent Essays

The answer for me is simple. At the start of every philosophical thought, the thinker must decide whether or not God exists and use this as a basis for the rest of his ideas. The great questions, is there a God? Why is this question so important? Well, it’s the determining factor in what human beings naturally are. Disregarding the argument for his existence or nonexistence, the basis of a philosopher determines how they will think of ideas and concepts. An atheist may see many men doing charitable work and few men doing evil work, and he can come to the conclusion that man is naturally good but corruptible. A theist may look at the same men and note they are part of church, and the evil men are not, and come to the conclusion that men are …show more content…

These opposing ideas have created vase diversity in the realm of philosophy that have helped mold and create the society we are today.
Every philosophical idea, when rooting out its origins and what ideas it was built upon, will come down to determining whether or not God exists. Free-will vs determinism, creationism vs evolution, the origins of morality, the origin of the universe, these are all common arguments that at the core is an argument for God’s existence. And, each one is a defining principle in human reasoning. Heck, even the quarrel over climate change boils down to the existence of God. Because, if there is a God, he is responsible for the well-being of Earth and what humans do will not largely impact the planet; and if there is no God, then humans are responsible for our blue pearl floating in the vast nothingness of the universe. Whether or not he exists is irrelevant to these arguments, because each one objective views come from the basis of God’s existence or nonexistence. If God does indeed exist, it would not change any of the atheist’s arguments and it could not change them unless God himself showed his existence to them. And if God does not exist, the theists arguments wouldn’t change unless God was

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