
The Bank Of America And Wells Fargo Against The City Of Miami

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This case analyses and discusses about the bank of America and Wells Fargo against the City of Miami. The Bank of America brought the case back to court after it was ruled against them in the first Federal appeal. According to the case, a plaintiff is considered to be “aggrieved” under the title VII with a condition that the person falls under title VII “zone of interest”. The two banks were alleged to be in the discrimination of the African-Americans and the borrowers from the Latino origins. There was a discriminated against issuance of mortgages which would likely lead to a foreclosure. The city lowered the tax revenues and increased spending towards the affected areas. The dimension of this lawsuit was using the fair house act (FHA) of the 1968 civil rights. This lawsuit helps in preventing discrimination of selling, renting and financing the house. The two questions presented include; after there was a limitation in the lawsuit regarding “aggrieved persons”, was there a requirement by the congress that the plaintiff was able to plead more than what the article III stated? The second question was, does the proximity causes require more than the actual possibility that the people defending are protecting the remote plaintiff 's loss of money through contingency chains? This essay aims to discuss the lawsuit and analyze the case fully together with predictions of the results, which might come out at the end of the lawsuit. The analysis of this case entails the

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