
The Battle Of Pearl Harbor

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The Pacific Campaign was a series of relentless, ongoing amphibious landings and campaigns that took place among several surrounding islands where naval and air power, rather than large and heavy ground forces, were of utmost importance. In the Pacific Campaign, the Japanese primary targets were the United States Navy and US Marine Corps. The United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, Canada and other Allied nations also committed many forces. The Second World War was the largest war that America had ever taken part. America first entered the war in 1941 due to a Japanese attack on the naval base, Pearl Harbor. The Japanese eventually surrendered to the Allied forces on September 2, 1945. The invasion of Pearl Harbor was not specifically the start of the Pacific War; there were many campaigns that took place simultaneously. However, the invasion of Pearl Harbor was the reason the United States entered the war on December 7, 1941. The attack, which was a complete surprise to the United States, lasted only two hours, but it was very destructive. Since the American military leaders never imagined an attack so close to home, most of the naval facilities at Pearl Harbor were undefended. The Japanese destroyed almost twenty American naval ships, including 8 large warships and nearly 200 aircraft. Over 2,000 American soldiers and sailors were killed during the attack on Pearl Harbor. Out of 184 Japanese planes, only 29 were taken down. The day after the attack on Pearl Harbor,

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