
Essay On A Confederate Divided

Decent Essays

A Confederate Divided The American Civil War has become a point of controversy and argument when discussing key events in shaping America. The arguments that arise when discussing the war tend to focus on whether the Confederate was constitutionally justified in seceding, or whether the North had the right to prevent the secession. However, when discussing the America Civil War and the idea of separation, it is important to be mindful that separation did not simply end at the state level. Letters written by Jesse Rolston, Jr. and Jedediah Hotchkiss portray two significantly different attitudes toward the war, despite the fact that the writers both fought for the Confederate States and give accounts of the same battle, one of which ended in the Confederate’s favor. When examining the documents, both writers express different viewpoints on life on and off the battlefield. This significant difference represents a division amongst the Confederate army. The letter from Jesse Rolston immediately establishes himself as a very humble soldier. He is presumably an infantryman, as he gives personal accounts of his part in the battle. Rolston’s intention when writing this letter is mainly an attempt to reassure his family that he is still alive and wishes to return home. He states “how much [more] satisfied [he] would be [if he were home], where [he] could be with [his wife] and the children and hear them prattle”. Jedediah Hotchkiss’ letter portrays a man of higher military

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