
The Benefits Of Legalizing Marijuana

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The legality of cannabis varies from country to country. Possession of cannabis is illegal in most countries and has been since the beginning of widespread cannabis prohibition in the late 1930s. However, many countries have decriminalized the possession of small quantities of cannabis, particularly in North America, South America and Europe. Furthermore, possession is legal or effectively legal in the Netherlands, Uruguay and in the U.S. states of Colorado and Washington as the federal government has indicated that it will not attempt to block enactment of legalization in those states. In December 2013, Uruguay became the first country in the world to legalize the sale, cultivation, and distribution of cannabis. There are many different types …show more content…

Cannabis-Indica and Cannabis-Sativa. Indica plants are dark green with broad leaves. Indica comes from Afghanistan, Morocco and Tibet and take about six to eight weeks to grow. The effects of Indica are sedation, pain relief and relaxation. The benefits of Indica are that it reduces pain, muscle spasms, seizures, anxiety, stress, nausea, headaches and aids in sleep (Fort). Indica is best used at night time. Sativa are plants which can grow up to twenty feet and are very light green in color with narrow leaves. They originally come from Columbia, Mexico, Thailand and Southeast Asia and take from ten to sixteen weeks to grow once flowering has begun. The effects of Sativa are stimulation, energy, deep thought and increase the ability to focus(Fort). The benefits of Sativa are that it fights depression, relieves headaches, relaxes muscles, and promotes creativity. Sativa is best used during the day. Indica is low in THC which is tetrahydrocannabinol and produces psychoactive affects but is high in CBN which is cannabin and produces sedation. While Sativa, is high in THC and low in CBN. To produce different types of effects Indica and Sativa are mixed together, this is called …show more content…

Cannabis is the third widely used drug in the United States following alcohol and tobacco even though it is currently illegal. Because marijuana is so used so much and is illegal it plays a big role in the War on Drugs. War on Drugs is a term commonly applied to a campaign of prohibition of drugs, military aid, and military intervention, with the purpose being to define and reduce the illegal drug trade in the United States (Giroux & Pollock). The purpose is to set drug policies that are intended to decrease the production, distribution, and consumption of illegal drugs. Because marijuana is illegal the price of the final product increases to very high values because of the black market status, which together with the powerful effects of drug addiction causes users to commit crimes in order to fund their addiction. If weed became legal and regulated in the United States, the price would decrease leading to the decrease in the illegal drug industry. This would also decrease the crimes committed by both drug sellers and drug users. The government spends a lot of money on trying to stop citizens from using marijuana while there are more important things the government should be spending their money on such as social programs. Another pro of marijuana is that it has no physiological addiction while other drugs that are legal such as tobacco have a higher physiological addiction rate than cocaine. Also if marijuana becomes

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