
The Benefits Of Wind Energy

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Wind energy is a renewable source of energy, that is harnessed through wind turbines. Wind turbines are placed in wind farms, which consists of multiple wind turbines aligned in a row, that are built in certain locations in order to take advantage of local wind patterns. The use of wind energy can be traced back to Ancient Egypt time. The people would use wind energy to power their sailboats along the Nile River. The first windmills were used in Persia, in the Middle East Region, 1500 years ago. Windmills were mainly used to for drawing water from wells and grinding grain(“Wind Energy.” ). Western Europe later modified it and made the commonly known propeller style with blades made out of blades. Wind turbines today are strong, sleek, and well suited for converting wind into energy. The rotor blades are aerodynamically shaped to make them more efficient. As the rotor blades rotate they convert energy into a rotation energy called torque. The amount of torque produced depends on wind density, wind speed , and the length of the rotor blade. A generator in the wind turbines converts the movement into electricity. Electricity is then sent through power lines. The widely used wind turbines in the U.S. is the GE 1.5 megawatt model. It is a two hundred feet tower with one hundred sixteen blades atop, coming in at a humongous height of three hundred twenty-eight feet(“Wind Energy.” ). Although wind energy is a renewable energy source which means an unlimited amount of, there is a downside. The electricity generated by wind turbines is expensive. In addition, people do not like the view of wind turbines. Some people are concerned with the safety of birds, and them flying into the blades. Further revolutionizing the use of wind energy, will greatly impact the way humans produce and consume energy.
Zepeda 4
More than 92,000 wind turbines have been built across China, capable of generating 145 gigawatts of electricity, almost double the capacity of the U.S. According to Zhou Sheng gang, a manager at a state-owned energy company who overseas one hundred thirty-four turbines, about sixty percent of their capacity goes unused. Coal industries are preferred, because they can transmit energy to more

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