
The Biological Positivist Theory Of Criminology

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A new paradigm, positivism, is present by the criminologists to understand the crime and the behaviour of criminals, in which they are trying to explain biological and psychological effects on crimes. The essential and primary thought behind biological positivist criminology is that criminals are born criminals and not made to be by someone else, due the transfer of genes from parents to the child; individuals turn to become criminals by their nature, not nurture. Cesare Lombroso, an Italian physician and physiatrists concentrated on bodies of executed offenders with an end goal to decide deductively whether lawbreakers were physically any unique in relation to non-hoodlums. In 1876, Lombroso distributed studies and illustrations from his classic study ‘The Criminal Man’ specifying that born criminals may have abnormality in their genes which will make them have related facial features such as large jaws, high cheekbones, large canine teeth and sloping foreheads; his work focused on biological factors of criminals.

Many vulnerable individuals perform or act according to the dominant norms of the society, however, biological positivism specifies unlawful acts to be the cause of inherited characteristics. The biological positivist theory of criminology consists of different concepts, mainly focusing on whether genetic factors are influences to criminals and anti-social behaviour. The first concept, ‘biochemical abnormality’, designates abnormalities inside the organs and the

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