
The Biology Of Our Eyes

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Sight a precious gift we cant take or granted, our eyes are the windows to the wonders of the woerld all we know and love experidne and discover, ponder and cherish. Lets peer into the workings of the eye. A uniae and self sustailning system. the reflecte light of the world. Light enters ino the crystal teansperency of the cornea, aqueous humor,lens, and vitreous humor, to projecr onto the photo re cemptors of the retina whos impoulses converge on the optic nerve, and then to the brain wto be transfigured into imagery and imbedded with meaning. continual adjustments to the puopil and lense regulate the entry and focusing of light in todays world the eyes surface is constantly challenged to protect itself and adjust to changing conditions. Ebeey blink helps our eyes antural devence system. The tear film, retains moister and retains visual acuity, tears contain natural disinfectants to kepe bacteria at bay alnd the tear system washes away impurities to maintain eye helth. The biology of our eyes inspires us to develop ways we can protect and maintain comfort for these remarkable structurews. For all the wonders our eyes provide throughout our lives we owe them our attentiona and ongoing care.
But to simply speak about the fuctions and structures of the eye would not be providing it with the admiration and respect it deserves. The evolution of the eye is the true marvel biology, once considered so complex that Charles Darwin argued that the idea of them having evolved seemed

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