
The Black Church

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The rise of the Black Church in the southern black community was a time that was difficult and happy all at the same time, This topic relates to To Kill A Mockingbird because during this time, in Alabama Tom Robinson was the one accused of rape , and a lot of people voted him to be guilty. Tom was guilty and some people believed that Tom was not guilty and was not happy, but most people were happy that he was guilty. So there is a lot of racism going on at this time. Some of the earliest Black Churches date all the way back to the 1700s. Only a few existed for blacks prior to the Civil War. The first Black Church was in Savannah,Georgia in 1777. Also the first Black Church was founded by George Lille. Also to go along with the churches …show more content…

The point of them was to reunite people and their friends and family. SInging in the churches brought peace to some people. The call and response originally made it tradition that christian values while describing hardships of slavery. The Black Churches in the Civil Rights movement made them think that we should end all of the whole whites and blacks should be separate. Rev. A.R. Bernard, Rabbi Capers C. Funnye, Dr.Renita Weems, these were some Black Church leaders. After all, if this person made the decision to just let all blacks and whites have the same things. Also be at the same place at the same time. In To Kill A Mockingbird it shows me the side really nobody wants to see, racism. Some characters are not racist at all like Atticus, Scout and Jem. Atticus teaches his children to treat others with respect and with treat others how they want to be treated. But others like Bob Ewell is a very racist man. For example, he and a bunch of other people got together and went to the jail that Tom Robinson was staying in and they wanted to do some bad things to him. I think that this book taught many people to respect others. It really gets to the point of how to treat

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