
The Bluest Eye Character Analysis

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Characterization maneuvers by Toni Morrison Pecola Breedlove in The Bluest Eye is a curious, young and innocent girl who tries to understand things that are even more complex than she thinks. A wondering eleven years old girl who is not near to recognizing the world she lives in; Pecola wants to be able to be something that she thinks is unreachable without the need of any special trait, and she does whatever she thinks it takes to achieve it. Toni Morrison created a character who is constantly driven by her actions and thoughts simultaneously according to what she thinks is correct of doing.

To begin with, Toni Morrison describes how Pecola commit things to understand or can achieve certain things. For example, “We knew she was fond of the Shirley Temple cup and took every opportunity to drink milk out of it just to handle and see sweet Shirley’s face” Morrison (23). This clearly explains that she does this just to be able to adjust and see this girl, as if they were not on a same level. Pecola does this by impulsion because she might think that was the right action to take to reach Shirley who Pecola taught was so different than her. Also, this example is seen when “The tears came fast, and she held her face in her hands” Morrison (90). This describes her as some who can feel easily feeling trapped and incapable of acting against that force that is pushing her against a wall. Pecola is now feeling like nothing she does can help it and quits, and she just stops

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