
The Bluest Eye Research Paper

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The Bluest Eye
Toni Morrison's first novel The Bluest Eye takes place in Loraine Ohio in the 1940's, it is the story being told by Claudia MacTeer of an event that took place when she was child. The story centers around Pecola a 11year old young girl who is not seen or recognized due to her feature characteristics, she is described as black and ugly, when Pecola is raped and impregnated by her father the girls believe that no Marigolds bloomed that autumn because of the tragedy that drove their friend Pecola insane. Within the novel Morrison introduces us to the Mac Teers' - Claudia about 9-10years old, her older sister Frieda who was about 10-11years old at the time and their Mr. & Mrs. Mac Teer. The Breedloves- Pecola, her mother Pauline, father Cholly and her brother Sam. Geraldine(a lady from Mobile or Aiken) and her son Junior.
Within Morrison's novel we see Morrison uses plants and flowers and seasons to express forms of nostalgia and connections to wealth and stability. Within my research I have found many references within The Bluest Eye that Morrison has been metaphorically used to describe memories that have been awakened or express through use of nature. …show more content…

The story is narrated by Claudia Mac Teer who is now an adult. Pecola Breedlove came to live with the MacTeers in the fall of 1941. Morrison uses symbols while introducing certain characters in her novel, by infusing nature, plants or animals to describe different memories and or events. Morrison introduces her nature analogy from the beginning of the story, describing the failure of the blooming of the Marigolds that spring.The earth yielded no flowers that Fall, and just as the flowers failed to bloom Pecolas baby also failed to

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