
The Bluest Eye Research Paper

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Many young girls feel insecure of their body; these adolescent girls would often wish they had the body of a model. The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison is about a young girl named Pecola, who is obsessed with blue eyes because she is insecure about hers. The novel points out how beauty can shatter the mind of an innocent young girl, Pecola, for instance, who has been abused by mostly everyone about her looks. In The Bluest Eye, Morrison explains how beauty can ruin lower one’s self-esteem, cause one to become self-obsessed, and how it made Pecola a representative to others to be thankful for the body they have. Morrison explains the psychological effect of beauty on young girls such as Pecola. Pecola is an eleven-year-old African American girl …show more content…

The media and her family play a huge role in it. If a young girl, like Pecola sees a celebrity that is praised by society, she would want to become just like that person. Young girls would go on diets, or either change a part of them like plastic surgery. For Pecola, she will do anything to receive blue eyes if it means doing ridiculous things. “Smiling white face. Blond hair in gentle disarray, blue eyes looking at her out of a world of clean comfort (52).” According to the novel, she drinks from a Shirley Temple cup; also she eats three Mary Jane’s candies (19, 49). In a psychological way, it is her way of becoming like Shirley Temple and Mary Jane. These celebrities, Shirley Temple and Mary Jane have a bad effect on Pecola mind. They are the cause of Pecola’s mental health problem. She believes she will have the white skin and blue eyes. The media is one of the reasons it has negative effects of the minds of young girls. These young girls feel as if they are unacceptable to society; they become self-conscious.
In a study, researchers have observed that children that do not engage in social activities are more focused on beauty. Beauty is shaped by perception and emotions; although they these experiences during puberty, but it can start at an early age. Beauty is the prime reasons, adolescent girls are dissatisfied with their body. Researchers observed that 50-88% of adolescent girls think negatively about their bodies (scholar, p.). Media influence the minds of young people. The image that is constantly seen by millions by young girls causes them to do anything to look

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