
The Body Ritual Of The Nacirema Summary

Decent Essays

The Body Rituals of the Nacirema The “Body Rituals of the Nacirema” by Horrace Miner explores the rather abnormal culture known as the Nacirema. Throughout the article, Miner describes in detail of the Nacirema’s exotic behaviours, and the unusual rituals engage in to improve their otherwise ugly bodies. While at first glance, the reader is generally appalled by the peculiar and extreme behaviours of the culture, after analyzing the text on a deeper level, one can discover the underlying satirical nature of the article. Through Miner’s sophisticated language, he uses our own ignorance to mask the view of our North American culture. Nacirema is in fact American spelled backwards. Because Miner portrayed the Nacirema as a culture so different …show more content…

The question remains how to get past the natural biases one may have when interpreting cultures different from one’s own. While it is crucial to approach any study of another culture with an objective and critical view, one is able to further avoid bias by practicing how to interpret the meaning that is carried within the behaviours and symbols rooted in that society . (CA, 25) If we could understand the meaning behind our own symbols, we can then “take the abilities that have enabled us to dwell in our own culture and use them to understand the cultures of others” (CA, 26) Perhaps this idea could be understood by comparing it to Clifford Geertz’s analysis of the Balinese cockfight. When examining the Balinese cockfight, Geertz describes what appears to be a rather meaningless, barbaric activity, until he discovers how much the activity actually means to the Balinese, as it acts as a symbol of status, achievement, and masculinity. (CA, 27) These symbols only become familiar to us when we compare it to a phenomenon in our own culture that share similar meanings, such as a hockey game. By objectifying the practices of both our culture and another’s, the other culture’s behaviours become more familiar to us, thus limiting our cultural bias. (CA, 37) When examining the cock fight in the same context of a hockey game, the cock fight suddenly does not appear as bizarre or exotic. This is also true when comparing the Nacerima and North American culture. Whether or not we are brushing our teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste, or “inserting a small bundle of hog hairs along with certain magical powers”, we are less instinctive to criticize the activity when we understand that both cultures simply view dental hygiene as something of value and importance. Thus the different behaviours are functional and logical in the context of each

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