
The Body 's First Line Of Defense And Protection

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We have eleven body systems that work together within our bodies on a daily and nightly bases. Starting from the outside and working inwards this paper will give you a basic rundown of how each system works. Then talk about how that system works with the other systems within the body. The eleven systems are; integumentary, skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous, respiratory, lymphatic/immune, urinary, gastrointestinal, and reproductive. The integumentary system is the body’s first line of defense and protection. This is your skin, and it is the main part of the integumentary system, protecting you from invasions from germs, bacteria and other horrible things no one wants to think about. The integumentary system also regulates your bodies temperature, by making you sweat, shiver, and also by changing the diameter of the blood vessels in our skin. Our brain receives most of our sensory information from the outer most layers of the skin called the epidermis. We feel heat, pain, cold, pressure, and so much more, all of this just from the epidermis. Our bodies also have glands in the skin that help lubricate, this waterproofs the skin, and also inhibits the unwanted growth of bacteria. Our main components are skin, hair, sweat glands, sebaceous glands and nails. The skeletal system is the inner structure or support that the other systems need so they can do their jobs. Without the skeletal system we would just be a pile of mush and the organs would be

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